Special Offer
Since our formation in 1937, the LRTA has promoted the adoption of environmentally-friendly urban rail systems. Our worldwide membership includes tramway and light rail professionals, local and national authorities, planners, designers and operators, as well as enthusiasts and campaigners.
For potential new members, we are extending the offer of a free three-month digital subscription to Tramways & Urban Transit – the sector’s leading resource for news and analysis of the global light rail marketplace.
At the end of the trial period Worldwide Members will be invited to renew at our normal rates.
UK members who sign up to a Direct Debit during the 3 month trial period will be offered a 10% discount on their first year of membership. The normal £1.50 Direct Debit discount will apply thereafter.
Personal Membership
Personal membership subscriptions run for one year from the date of acceptance of your membership application.
All members get our monthly magazine Tramways and Urban Transit as part of their membership and can also subscribe to our historical journal Tramway Review. Back numbers of both publications are available from our shop see Back Numbers
There is a choice of postal or on–line versions of the magazine. Postal subscribers can also access the online version.
Student Membership
Student membership is available to anyone up to the age of 25 who is in full or part time education, or a work-related training scheme in the public transport industry including suppliers of goods and services. This reduced price is only available online.
Business Subscriptions
Subscriptions paid by companies or other business employers on behalf of their employees; can be invoiced to the company or organisation concerned. Contact the Membership Secretary for details of Commercial membership.
Membership Renewals
Membership Renewals is now open for 2022 using the new membership system.
Any Membership Questions:
Email membership@lrta.org
or phone 0117 951 7785
Any Questions?