Not-For-Profit UK Based Light Rail Transit Association
The LRTA is a not–for–profit UK based organisation and has members throughout the world. Free of any trade or political affiliation; it is the world’s leading organisation concerned with the achievement of better public transport through light rail, tramway and metro systems in towns and cities world–wide.
Tramways & Urban Transit — T&UT
T&UT is published on the third Friday of each month. It has news and features from around the world about urban transit developments and the latest information about tramways and light rail.
Tramway Review
Our historical quarterly is available with membership or as a stand alone subscription.
Why you should join the LRTA
Want to see integrated environmentally sustainable public transport in our towns and cities then you should join the LRTA — the more members the more effective we can be in campaigning for the introduction of trams and light rail.
Every month, members receive T&UT free as part of their membership. There is now a choice of a printed version delivered by post or online versions of the magazine. Postal members can also access the online version.
Membership includes access to the LRTA e–Group; a YAHOO group. You can join online at the LRTA shop by clicking the Discussion Group item on the join/renewals page. Alternatively to join please e–mail; include your full name, membership number and post/zip code to ease the task of checking membership.
Members also have access to a Members Area which enables members to read the magazine on-line plus a selection of internal documents not available to the general public including a special guide to campaigning. When logged in a members discount is available on books and DVDs. To access go to the LRTA shop and create/log in to your account. Email if Members Area not visible.
See How to join the LRTA page for more details.US and Canadian Visitors; feeling starved of up–to–date North American transit news? T&UT carries the breaking news stories each month in the most comprehensive and timely coverage now available.
Special Membership Offer
We are offering 3 months free digital trial membership to potential new members see Special Offer for further information.
Update on Blackpool Heritage Trams

Next Steps for Heritage Tram Operations and Preservation Outlined by Jane Cole
A Statement has been released by LRTA Past President and MD of Blackpool Transport, Jane Cole, concerning the future of the Blackpool Heritage Tram operations.
See Statement on News page
Annual General Meeting – 2024
The 2024 AGM was held on Friday 27th September at the Novotel in Charleroi, Belgium.and on Zoom.
The post of Treasurer and three ordinary Council Members were up for election. See the AGM page for further details and deadlines.
Following the AGM on the Friday there was an evening reception at the Bois du Cazier Museum, commencing with a guided tour of the specialist tram exhibition and on the Saturday night the Annual dinner was held at the Novotel.
On the Saturday and Sunday (28-29 September) there were two excursions.

On Saturday there was a visit to the Tramway de l’Aisne (110km/68.4 miles), featured in a classic trams article in the November 2023 issue of TAUT. The line from Pont d’Erezee via Forge a la Plez to Lamormenil is operated by Vicinal autorail and trailers. There is also a small museum at Pont d’Erezee.
The AGM weekend concluded on the Sunday (29 September) with a visit to the ASVi Museum at Thuin (21km/13 miles) and a ride on the line to Lobbes also featured in another TAUT article.
Go to AGM 2024 for full details
The Tramcar will Return
Well known member and author Tony Young has just published his autobiography, entitled ‘The Tramcar will Return’. Tony has dedicated the book to “’to all those members of the LRTA and TLRS who have kept alive the spirit of tramways and light rail systems in British towns and cities and to those professionals and politicians who have made it happen.’ A full review of the book will appear in our historical magazine ‘Tramway Review’.
See News item for more information.

Members’ Day – Volks Electric Railway – Brighton

The last Members’ Day was held in Brighton on Wednesday 31st July 2024.
The day started at 12:45 with a talk about the Volk’s Electric Railway followed by a ride on the line and a visit to the Depot. Last year the railway celebrated 140 years since it opened and this year it has been awarded the ‘2024 Railway of the Year’ by the Heritage Railway Association.
See Brighton Members’ Day for further details.
Trams – The Green Machine – General Election Campaign 2024
For nearly 80 years the LRTA has promoted the development of modern trams and light rail. Climate change is real and all political parties are in theory committed to net zero. The LRTA wants to see the next government invest in transport solutions which are 100% Clean and Green.
We believe a MINIMUM of 5 Light Rail Schemes should be developed in the next Parliament and are asking Parliamentary Candidates to pledge to support up to 5 tram schemes in the next Parliament and join a reconstituted All Party Parliamentary Light Rail Group.
For full details see our General Election 2024 pages.
LRTA Members’ Online Meetings continue
The series of online discussions and presentations using the Zoom platform started in response to the pandemic have proved so popular with members around the world that we will be continuing with them. These are open to all LRTA Members and and are held monthly, usually on the third Wednesday of each month at 16.00 (UK Time). This is quite a commitment for the Association and any member worldwide who would like to present a talk should contact Paul Rowen at with details.
Go to the Members’ Online Meetings Page for further details.
A recording of the latest talk is available for Members to view. See the ‘Past Meetings’ section of the ‘Members’ Online Meetings‘ page.
LRTA Area meetings – Many Areas are holding physical meeting
Physical meetings are now being held by many Local Areas again. See the meetings page for both physical and online meetings.
Upcoming Meetings
Merseyside 1930 Robert Hampton from Class 507001 Preservation Society (MTPS)
Sefton Park Community Association, 3 Croxteth Drive, Liverpool L17 3AG Contact: Cost £4
London 14:30. Eddie Dawes: London tramway closures 1933 – 1940 (LRTA)
The Model Railway Club, Keen House, Calshot Street, London, N1 9DA. £2.00
Nottingham 1400 Tom Ingall: San Francisco Cable Cars (TLRS)
Beeston Scout Hut NG9 1GA Contact:
Join Us Campaigning
The UK Government introduced its long- awaited Environment Bill in February, replacing existing EU legislation and claimed by Prime Minister Boris Johnson as an opportunity to demonstrate the UK has adopted tougher policies than the EU. TramForward is disappointed that the Bill contains no legally-binding targets to meet World Health Organisation (WHO) air pollution standards by 2030.
Latest News
Tramways and Urban Transit February 2025
INSIDE THE FEBRUARY ISSUE: RAIL LIVE: SHOW REPORT Geoff Butler reports on this year’s Rail Live event in Zaragoza,...
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Next Steps for Heritage Tram Operations and Preservation Outlined
After the recent Statement released by Blackpool Heritage Tram Tours, Jane Cole, Managing Director of Blackpool Transport has issued...
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Dijon Trams Cut the Mustard with Louise Haigh
On the 28th November England’s Transport Secretary Louise Haigh will unveil her transport strategy for a national integrated transport...
Read Article1937 - History of theLight Rail Transit Association
Back in 1937 the Light Rail Transit Association came into being. It was not a very grand launch. A few persons, aroused by what they judged to be the folly of scrapping certain tram routes in North London, established contact with each other through the correspondence columns of local newspapers. After one or two tentative gatherings, an organising committee of three (George Jackman, Jay Fowler and Geoffrey Southerden) signalled...
Read Our History