Why Join LRTA

If you wish to see improved public transport in our cities then you should join the LRTA — the more members the more effective we can be in campaigning for the introduction of trams and light rail.

Every month, members receive T&UT free as part of their membership. There is now a choice of a printed version delivered by post or online versions of the magazine. Postal members can also access the online version.

Membership includes access to the LRTA e–Group; a IO group. You can join online at the LRTA shop by clicking the Discussion Group item on the join/renewals page. Alternatively to join please e–mail groups@lrta.org; include your full name, membership number and post/zip code to ease the task of checking membership.


Member’s Days are held from time to time to offer Members to opportunity for a Presentation and Visit to recent developments in Light Rail and trams.

The last Members Day was to see the Revolution VLR at Ironbridge. Go to the Members’ Days page for details .


Several LRTA Sections hold regular meeting with expert speakers on subjects of interest to Tram Enthusiasts. See the Meetings Page for details.


Members also have access to a Members Area which enables members to read the magazine on-line plus a selection of internal documents not available to the general public. To access go to Light Rail Transit Association at membermojo and sign in to the membership system using the by email option if you have not set a new password.


Members can access and update their membership profile by going to Light Rail Transit Association at membermojo and signing in (use the ‘By Email’ option if you haven’t set a new password).
Members can also access the Members’ Area, download their Membership Card, make purchases from the Members’ Store (AGM, Members’ Days etc) and review payments made to the Association.
You can Renew your Membership Here up to 3 months before the due date

Keep in touch – e-mail updates

We believe that keeping in touch with the latest news, campaigns, meetings, and publications from the LRTA is important, and we would like to further strengthen the links with our members and supporters. Update your email now.

Want To Join The LRTA?