Members’ Online Meetings

Programme of online meetings for LRTA Members

The series of online discussions and presentations using the Zoom platform that we started during the pandemic have proved so popular around the world we have decided to continue holding them on a monthly basis. They are open to all LRTA members and will be held, generally on the third Wednesday of each month at 16.00 (UK Time). See details below

To join, follow the link to Eventbrite where there is further information about the talks and how to register. When you register, Eventbrite will issue you with a ticket which will include a link to the Zoom meeting. Eventbrite will send reminder emails on the day with the Zoom links. See below for more details about how and to join a Zoom meeting.

Details of meetings:

12 or 26 March 2025
Speaker To Be Confirmed
Subject TBC

Book Here Soon

16 April 2025
Speaker To Be Confirmed
Subject TBC

Book Here Soon

How to join a LRTA Zoom Meeting

LRTA Members’ Zoom Meetings are scheduled to start at 16:00 hrs UK Time (Currently Greenwich Mean Time GMT/UTC). You can join the meeting from 15:30, particularly if you are new to Zoom. Please ensure that you have joined by 15:55 so that we can start promptly at 16:00.

To join, click on the ‘Join Zoom Meeting’ link on your Eventbrite Ticket that you can down load any time from registering to the start of the meeting. When you join please check that you are ‘Muted’ and that your webcam is off (Stop Video on the Zoom Screen). This is to ensure that you do not, inadvertently, interrupt the speaker.

If you have any questions for the speaker, you will be asked to use the ‘Chat’ function where you can type your question and the host will manage the questions and answer session after the speaker has finished the talk.

If you new to Zoom you should join the meeting early as you will need to download an application and install it on your computer/tablet/phone. Just follow the links on the zoom webpage.

If you have any concerns about using Zoom contact Tim Kendell at who will endeavour to help.

Past Meetings