Judges Special Award for Andres Muñoz de Dios


Judges Special Award for Andres Muñoz de Dios

The LRTA congratulates Andres Muñoz de Dios on receiving one of the Judges Special Award at the 2021 Global Light Rail Awards last Wednesday evening. Andres has led UITP’s LRT Committee since 2018, and his expertise is sought around the world. He has helped develop urban rail projects in eight countries to date.

Leading from the front, he played an active role in every aspect of the planning, design, construction, commissioning and commercial launch of the brand new tramway in Tenerife – all to very tight deadlines.

He has been a leader in R&D and implementation of many innovations, often far ahead of everyone else. To name two examples: QR-based ticketing and LRT-specific overspeed prevention systems which have dramatically improved the safety, convenience and reliability of not only his home system, but have also been exported around the world.
